
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

Your saliva and your meals normally go through the esophagus to move towards the stomach. The laryngopharyngeal reflux goes backward flow and corresponds in the abnormal passing of part of the gastric contents in the opposite direction, indeed towards the esophagus, the pharynx and the larynx. This condition is similar to Gastro-oesophageal reflux (acid reflux). The laryngopharyngeal reflux is very frequent in the adult - approximately 50% of the population in America. 60% of asthmatic have also laryngopharyngeal reflux condition. 50% of the people with chronic coughs and up to 80% of the people with a feeling like having a ball in the throat, a sensation of something being stuck in the throat. However, the majority of the patients affected by this condition suffers from minor and irregular symptoms and does not consult a doctor. Unfortunately laryngopharyngeal reflux is often a chronic affection.

Tags: laryngopharyngeal reflux, laryngopharyngeal, gastro-oesophageal reflux, oesophagus disease, oesophagus spasm, oesophagus spasm disease, gastro-oesophageal reflux diet

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