
Tanning beds and skin cancer

Tanning beds and skin cancer - Tanning Beds May Increase Skin Cancer Risk: All Medical specialists intend to say that the fact of being suntan (artificially or not) is dangerous. 90% of the cases of skin cancer could be avoided simply by decreasing the exposure to UV rays . More you expose yourselves to the sun UV rays ultraviolet, or those tanning beds, you have more risk to develop a skin cancer. Just like the exposure to the sun, the tanning beds a artificial sun tan release from the ultraviolet rays (UV) which start the process tanning of the skin is dangerous to your health. It can result from it, sunstroke, premature aging of the skin and, in certain cases, of the ocular problems like the cataracts. Moreover, the long-term exposure to radiation UV and the sunstrokes, which they are caused by the sun itself or the light coming from tanning beds or lamps, can increase drastically your personal risk of cancer of the skin like melanoma Malignant melanoma who is a serious type of skin cancer.

Tags: Tanning beds and skin cancer, tanning beds cancer, tanning beds, tanning beds and cancer, eye cancer, melanoma skin cancer, melanoma cancer, tanning skin, skin cancer research, wolf tanning beds

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