
What is the Miracle Fruit?

What is the miracle fruit? Have you ever heard of its special properties that make it so miraculous? The miracle berry is actually a small fruit that is red in color. It was grown in Africa originally, and it is popular due to the peculiar taste properties that it offers. The fruit is known to change the taste of sour and bitter food items into sweet taste.

The main ingredient in Miracle fruit is called Miraclulin, and the taste changing property that the fruit exhibits is due to the presence of this ingredient. This chemical forms a coating over the tongue and stops the taste receptors on the tongue from receiving strong tastes like sourness and bitterness. As a result of this property, any sour, bitter or acidic food that you take in becomes very sweet in taste.

You can purchase miracle berry from dealers who sell this special fruit. However, the fruit is highly perishable and it exists in its fresh form only for a couple of days after it is harvested. So also, the special ingredient in the fruit, miraclulin, starts to reduce soon after the fruit is harvested. So, unless you have the fruit in your garden, you have rare chances of getting them fresh. The fresh fruit is very costly and the average cost per fresh fruit ranges from $3 to about $7.

As a solution to this problem, there are several manufacturers who have brought miracle fruit tablets and pills into the market. These tablets are completely made of miracle fruit that is frozen and dried. The processing is done soon after the harvest and so, the properties of miraclulin are completely preserved in them.

You may still be wondering “what is the miracle fruit taste” that makes people talk so much about it. People who have actually used miracle fruit tell that Guinness gets the taste of chocolate milkshake and vinegar begins to taste like honey. Fruits with slightly sour or bitter taste like grape fruit and rhubarb taste sweet. Lemon does not taste sour anymore, and tomato tastes like a peach.

There is a way of having the miracle fruit tablet, so that you can correctly sense the taste difference it offers. You need to take the miracle fruit tablet and let is dissolve completely at the tip of your tongue. It might take about a minute to dissolve completely, and you need to let is coat the surface of your tongue as much as possible.

However, though these tablets and pills are widely available over the internet, it is better to check authenticity of the product before you make the purchase.

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